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Our Work

Jun 29, 20242 min read
BrookNaw Canines #9B: Beta
War cries of petrified chessmen and pawns, Hell-bent on victory within a checkered coliseum, hemmed in by an antique coffee table declare...

Jun 19, 20244 min read
Sorry Charlie #10
Enchanting melodies without source cascade from rafters, hugging massive, wooden columns of The Village Idiot Inn's lobby.

May 17, 20246 min read
Day of Play
Melodies of aerial psalmists darting to and fro from perch to limb lend to the symphony of buzzing bees, cruising music, and playing...

Apr 20, 20245 min read
BrookNaw Canines #9A: Alpha
Whipping and winding to other end of their dominion, the jeerer coils its massive body, ascending higher through the night expanse.

Jan 17, 20245 min read
BrookNaw Canines #9
Ain't no wolves in Brooklyn... but there are werewolves. It's called Brooklyn Zoo for a reason! Clutch your pearls and build a brick house!

Nov 13, 20232 min read
Lords of the Land #8
Four men make their way up to Nostalgia from Hoyt along Warren like an arrow. Silent are their steps, quick, their pace.

Aug 31, 20233 min read
@ the Bus Stop #7
Flickering street lamps and police floodlights on the outskirts of public housing illuminate Hoyt Street.

Mar 29, 20239 min read
The Old Bookstore #6
A lone bookstore, hoisted up by time stands near the corner of Court and Warren, peeling paint suspended by cobwebs.

Mar 15, 20233 min read
Fried Hard & Chopped Up #5
"Aye yo miss, lemme get pork fried rice wit four chicken wings - fried hard and chopped up... barbecue and hot sauce.

Mar 8, 20234 min read
Nueva Brooklyn #4
Flipping the script on the famous question, "Where Brooklyn at?" Seriously, where is Brooklyn...

Mar 1, 20233 min read
Borough of Churches #3
Church-goers pack into a tiny, brownstone between a Chinese restaurant and hair salon.

Dec 26, 20224 min read
Brooklyn Bulls*%t #2
A group of teenage girls pour out of the Utica A train station, faces greased with Vaseline, their hair tied up.

Dec 25, 20222 min read
B-Town Rockin #1
I would say Brooklyn don't bite but that's a bold-face lie... still pop in & kick it with us. Snacks can be purchased at the corner bodega.
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