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Oct 30, 2024
In Geeks on Deck
This year's experience of working NYCC hit different on so many levels! In years' past, I found myself navigating the vastness of the geek/nerd space, hesitant for tons of reasons (valid and foolish) and unsure of myself or where I fitted in, wondering if there was a place for me. I was like a wayward son coming back home, or rather a new kid at school... I was uncertain! That changed when I really began showing up for my business and choosing to be present in the storytelling process of the Brooklyn Zoo Stories. I was no longer operating at a surface level but was engaged in the branding, design and illustration of content and merch for Y Cre8te Films? and Brooklyn Zoo. Doing research for the Brooklyn Zoo Stories, I found myself embarked on a journey that would unearth dormant passions and aspirations. However, one question remained within me. How can I be a man but in my heart a child? I grappled with myself, fought against thoughts which attempted to erase me from the pages of my own comic book! Battles were waged in many environments and atmospheres - NYCC was one of them! There I stood perched on my ledge, watching people of all ages, shapes and sizes; folks from all ethnicities and cultural backgrounds wearing cowls and nerding out with their tribe. It was so cool to witness folks whizzing down the massive corridor of the Jacob Javitz to the showroom floor then geek out whenever they saw a friend or sick cosplay. I wanted a piece of that! I wanted my inner geek to come out and play with the other geeks, and he did! Geeking out with Batman! My first objective was to familiarize myself with fantasy lore, magical realism and horror tropes via comics, graphic novels, movies, and by talking to buffs. I found myself at Anyone Comics, where I reopened my folder, quickly filling it up with books: Animal Warriors of the Kingdom, Marvel's Gang War, Blood Hunt, Spider-Man's arc, Beastlands, Hyde Street, and more! I picked back up Edge of Eternity by Randy Alcorn. Killadelphia written by Rodney Barnes and illustrated by Jason Shawn Alexander was definitely on my radar! The Silmarillion too! Mission completed! Achievements unlocked! I was ready for NYCC '24! But, every hero or protagonist must face opposition! Cue villainous music! Without getting too much into it, I was unsure that I would be working this year's con. For those who know, warfare was waged! A tiny thought at the end of NYCC '23 entered my mind, "You won't be back next year." I put it out of my mind, yet, the thought lingered, returning in full-force after I got the call. I was going back to "the Show"! Contracting covid two weeks prior sent me for a loop. I was super vexed that I could potentially miss the dope experience that is New York Comic Con, plus lose money. However, "A Hero can always break out of a tough spot." - My Hero Academia 😁 Ro. 8:37. Out of that bind, I was up and back on my feet doing "heroic" things like laundry, helping little old ladies across the street, reading comics... you know, right! Right? Silently, I counted down the days until the con, excited, yet anxious. The time had come, New York Comic Con 2024. Wearing a Kool-Aid smile, I walked down W 35th Street reflecting on past cons, grateful to be at another one. As I stood on the cusp of such an event, without hesitation, I crossed the threshold into the Javitz, into another dimension. I was here! I made it! Highlights of the con were being able to see a piece of my destiny (that's what the fight was about!), meeting Rodney Barnes and purchasing a signed copy of Killadelphia Vol.2., and receiving advice from him on leveling up as a writer (I will forever cherish this nugget of wisdom). Artists Alley was such a thrill! Being able to converse with other artists and learn about the inspiration behind their stories and illustrations was fun! Running into Fantastic Franky and giving her her flowers was cool! I started following Franky on IG two to three years ago, and to see her growth and journey has been dope! NYCC '24 was bountiful, straight bountiful! The electricity in the air, cracking, shooting to and fro. The fandom, cool exhibits, the aroma of Javitz's popcorn, cosplayers, merch; the panels and Artist Alley engulf you, taking you by the hand into a world of fantasy, wonder, innovation and community. I was back, and it felt good! Now, more immersed in geek culture, I realize that cons are the dessert portion of a meal, and should not replace one being active in their local communities: comic bookstores and groups/meet-ups. I am way stoked for the next mission of my quest to full geekdom. Objective: become part of a book club. Stay tuned for more!
Bountiful Geekdom: New York Comic Con '24 content media
Jan 15, 2024
In Movies and Stuff!
From the moment the trailer dropped on Netflix for "The Brothers Sun", I was so hooked, quickly setting the reminder for when it dropped! The tone carefully curated through the cinematography and edit was surely there! It was fun, lively, and action-packed! Between the trailer and first pilot, I instantly felt the tender love and care put into this project. Themes of family, brotherhood, and community resonnated with me and were well apprecitated. Another theme I vibed heavy with, was parenthood. The love of a mother runs deep and is unconditional. Mama Sun, played by Michelle Yeoh was a pilar of wisdom, strength, love, and fortitude. Mama Sun's willingness to protect her family and community was unending. Asian stories have been an intricate part of my life since little. My father was blackbelt, my uncle, a Marine, also into Kung Fu. I remember watching Kung Fu movies and ordering Chinese takeout whenever visiting with my father. Every cut - every movement, fluid, graceful, yet exhilirating! This series, in a way took me back to my childhood. The writing was like an expected, long-overdue pastry, owed to oneself but slightly more lovely in the mind than upon the palette. I understood the re-introduction of old flame, Alexis into Charles Sun's life but would have liked to see such a move positioned in the second season of the series - yet, do understand why and how the writers selected that idea to be where it was in the timeline of "TBS". It furthered the plot and added to Charles' redeemable qualities. Since we're on the subject of Charles Sun's qualities. Giving him the aptitude and passion for food, specifically baking was a nice touch - a ying to the yang of his violent and destructive streak. And what can I say about Blood Boots? A guardian, protector, a friend and confidant - vibrant! This was such a hearty and robust character! My hats off to the creators of Blood Boots and to actor, Jon Xue Zhang for bringing the character to life. Blood Boots was a well-rounded character that fit snuggly into the fabric of the story. I for sure will be checking out Jon's previous work. Directed by Byron Wu and Brad Falchuk, starring Michelle Yeoh definitely brought a dynamic element to the series, clearly depcited in the cinematography. Bold, daring camera choices, propelled by creativity and innovation, rooted in culture and personality added to the brilliance of The Brothers Sun. I truly enjoyed the series and am looking forward to season two! Prayer hands that Netflix renews it for another season - I'm pretty confident they will! I am excited to see where the showrunner and writing team take the story and thus lead the viewer. The Brothers Sun is excellent addition to a watchlist, and should absolutely be the next thing in your queue.
House of the Rising Sun content media
Oct 25, 2022
In Geeks on Deck
What were the thoughts toward 'The Rings of Power'? I thoroughly enjoyed season one and am looking forward to watching season two. I already have my "favies" and annoying but clutch characters. I will also be purchasing the 'Silmarillion' as a Christmas gift for myself and snackin' on that while on Christmas vacation.
"One Ring to Rule Them All" content media
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